Friday, July 2, 2010


Ok so the entire outfit is a mess that it's been in the 90's the last few days in NY and this guy was channeling something I don't really know what but I will say he looked like my assistant from my last Design job flash forward about 60 years.

I can just picture this guy getting ready saying into the mirror I look Fab dahlin fab....Um no
you look Ridiculous you have a sweatshirt wrapped around your shoulders layered on top of a Nylon track jacket with some ugly ass brown shoes and your Katie Perry wanna-be sunglasses paired with your HUGE !!! fake quilted Chanel Purse.

It's 90 degrees outside not only do we need to pick clothes that fit our body we need to wear clothes that fit the season this isn't Colorado OK the subway is a little chilly but really a sweatshirt.

I was bold and snapped the pic while I was sitting directly across from this guy because his outfit was screaming at me so LOUDLY I had to take action.

This is not the worst I have seen in the streets of NY but it's certainly worthy of being talked about.

I call this look Antarctica,Miami,Colorado and UGLY.

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