Sunday, July 4, 2010

RAINBOW BRITE got the stomach flu and yacked all over the Beach

VOMIT SPEW in neon colors.

How do I even begin to describe this mess and I have actually seen this guy once before .....Yes it's a guy on the R train in Queens. Blonde dreadlocks with a cat , a rat and fly that won't die and perhaps the kitchen sink hidden inside them.

Various layers and yards of fabric in 60 different colors paired with fake flowers and butterflies in his hair on his dress and all over his body.

Feathers sticking out of a Jombie Genie hat straight out of Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse after it hooked up with Pirates of the Caribbean and to top it off a Neon Orange beard.

This guy is none other than a TRAIN WRECK TRANNY.

Do not try this look at home in private with all the lights off or ever.......

Friday, July 2, 2010


Ok so the entire outfit is a mess that it's been in the 90's the last few days in NY and this guy was channeling something I don't really know what but I will say he looked like my assistant from my last Design job flash forward about 60 years.

I can just picture this guy getting ready saying into the mirror I look Fab dahlin fab....Um no
you look Ridiculous you have a sweatshirt wrapped around your shoulders layered on top of a Nylon track jacket with some ugly ass brown shoes and your Katie Perry wanna-be sunglasses paired with your HUGE !!! fake quilted Chanel Purse.

It's 90 degrees outside not only do we need to pick clothes that fit our body we need to wear clothes that fit the season this isn't Colorado OK the subway is a little chilly but really a sweatshirt.

I was bold and snapped the pic while I was sitting directly across from this guy because his outfit was screaming at me so LOUDLY I had to take action.

This is not the worst I have seen in the streets of NY but it's certainly worthy of being talked about.

I call this look Antarctica,Miami,Colorado and UGLY.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Um ok so I was just getting over the crack that ate the Denim when I encountered this mess.

First off she grabbed her capri pants off a bratz doll because they were 7 sizes to small and digging into her rolls

Her toe nails were hanging over her shoes gross and her rolls were hanging out of her
Top that she clearly bought at Rave girl. Unless you are a 11 year old Girl you should not be shopping in that store.

This girl was such a HOT TRANNY MESS I didn't know if I should throw up or run away or throw up as I was running away.

PLEASE I cannot stress it enough buy clothes that fit you correctly and no one want's to see rolls
hanging out it's just not classy.

I have no suggestions for this one other than eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww !!!!!